This was my second project for Modeling II, this project was after my Snail and required a lot more work in my opinion. The basic idea of this assignment was to create a totem to reflect your own unique personality. I chose to do one in the style of the Pacific Northwestern's Haida totem poles. I started with just a large cylander and used the clipping brushes in conjunction with Zbrush 4.0's new Spotlight feature to cut out the side and front views. Sculpting my primaries and secondaries in and retopologized. I then used projection master to project the detail back into the UV'd low poly and went from there. Tertiary detail was done with spotlight and Alpha brushes, and the rest was pretty much the Hpolish brush.
Back View.
Zoomed in version of the Pelican and Human.
A zoomed in portion of the Rhino.
Zoomed in portion of my Lynx.
A picture of my diffuse map from polypaint.
Picture of my specular map from crazybump.
Picture of my specular map from crazybump.
This is the final result of the low poly with the high poly normal, diffuse and spec on. The final model was 3,102 triangles.